The Creature From the Haunted Sea (1961)
After you scrape the bottom of the barrel then what is left? Films like TCFTHS! You knew someone would eventually stoop so low to create this ‘monster’. With things like this being made then the world is not as bad off as it seems…
“The 1961 Roger Corman film, The Creature From the Haunted Sea, features one of the worst imagined screen monsters ever. In some scenes you can readily see the pants and shoes the monster is wearing along with the zipper in the back. The eyes of the monster look like two eggs. Also, careful viewers can see the suit actor’s nose protruding through the monsters mouth opening and this is seen here too. All this fun was imagined by sculptor Michael Bergman and released by Escape Hatch Hobbies. The diorama pieces are all 3-D sculpted and treated as such. All paints are acrylics
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